photo: Rybar on Telegram/Saturday's Ukrainian attack crippled the rail network and disrupted Russian military logistics
During Saturday's Ukrainian attack, the Chongar Bridge was hit and sustained so much damage that trains cannot cross it. Only one of the two railway lines currently leads to occupied Crimea.
According to The WarZone, satellite imagery showed a clear break in the track in one section of the bridge. Although Governor Saldo showed footage that said the bridge in Chonhar was "intact" and all the missiles had been shot down, the satellite images show the apparent destruction of the Chonhar rail bridge.
Anton Herashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine's foreign minister, posted a photo on the social network Telegram from the scene of the attack, where it is clearly visible that the tracks are bent in both directions and the sleepers have shifted. "Ukrainian armed forces confirmed the attack on the Chongar bridge, one of the key elements of Russian military logistics in southern Ukraine."
The importance of the intervention was also stressed by Yuri Sobolevsky. "The damage to the Chongar Bridge is of great importance. It is a blow to the military logistics of the occupiers. Even more important is the psychological impact on the occupiers and the occupation forces. There is no place in Kherson Oblast where they can feel safe," expressed Sobolevskyi, a Ukrainian official serving in the Kherson Oblast leadership.
The railway bridge over the shallow lagoon of Syvaš, known as the "Hnile More", or Rotten Sea, is crucial for the Russians in terms of logistics. At the moment, the Russians have only one option, and that is to use the newly constructed railway line on the Kerch bridge. The Ukrainians wanted to disrupt Russian logistics in Crimea with this attack and thus complicate, for example, the movement of supplies and ammunition on the occupied peninsula.