CZ/SK verze

PKP cooperates with Central Military Recruitment Centre to open Military Mobile Recruitment Points at railway stations

PKP cooperates with Central Military Recruitment Centre to open Military Mobile Recruitment Points at railway stations
photo: Polskie Koleje Państwowe/PKP cooperates with Central Military Recruitment Centre to open Military Mobile Recruitment Points at railway stations
17 / 10 / 2022

Military Mobile Recruitment Points have been opened at over a dozen railway stations. Space for the opening of the points is provided by Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A. (Polish State Railways) on its premises. The launch of Mobile Recruitment Points at railway stations is one of the key elements of the agreement signed today by PKP S.A. with the Central Military Recruitment Centre (CWCR).

The points have been opened at railway stations including Warszawa Centralna, Gdynia Główna, Kraków Główny, Bydgoszcz Główna, Lublin Główny, Wrocław Główny. They operate between 13:00 and 18:00, Monday to Friday, and will be open until the end of October. Anyone interested in taking up service in the Polish Army can talk to posted soldiers there and get all the information they need. They will also have the opportunity to apply for appointment to voluntary basic military service and service in the Territorial Defence Forces.

"In difficult times, Polish railwaymen are once again rising to the challenge. Strengthening our armed forces - the regular, professional ones and those in the Territorial Defence Forces - has always been a goal of the Law and Justice government. Our predecessors rolled up the army, rolled up the state. We are strengthening it in every possible aspect. The railwaymen stood their ground during the pandemic. They coped when more than 2 million refugees had to be transported from Ukraine. Now they are coming up with a valuable initiative. Large railway stations are great places to promote military service, to encourage the defense of the homeland. Hundreds of thousands of passengers, often young men, pass through them every day. Today, the promotion of military service is a patriotic duty of every citizen and every institution. I would like to thank and congratulate the Polish State Railways and the Central Military Recruitment Centre for implementing the idea," says Maciej Małecki, Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Assets.

"The signing of the agreement between Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish State Railways) and Central Military Recruitment Centre is another example of fruitful cooperation between Polish railways and the army, a reference to glorious historical traditions. Residents of Poland's largest cities will thus gain the opportunity to apply at railway stations for voluntary basic military service and service in the Territorial Defence Forces. I hope that close cooperation between the army and the railways will guarantee Poland's security and influence the development of strategic railway infrastructure," says Andrzej Bittel, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure.

In addition, the agreement aims to maintain cooperation between the Polish Army and the Polish State Railways in matters related to national defense, promotional, informational, and training cooperation, including the use of the training base and established railway infrastructure facilities and CWCR. The document was signed by Krzysztof Mamiński - President of the Management Board of PKP S.A., Andrzej Olszewski - Member of the Management Board of PKP S.A. and Colonel Mirosław Bryś - Head of the Central Military Recruitment Centre.

"Railwaymen and soldiers have a lot in common. Both the Polish Army and work in the Polish State Railways are in the service of society, including in strategic areas related to national security. Polish railway workers have always been actively involved in patriotic uprisings and other activities for the freedom and sovereignty of the country. That is why PKP decided to support the recruitment process for voluntary basic military service and the Territorial Defence Forces," says Krzysztof Mamiński, President of the Management Board of PKP S.A.

"The Central Military Recruitment Centre is focused on recruiting and attracting soldiers for professional and territorial service. Maintaining cooperation with PKP S.A. as an enterprise of particular importance for defense is particularly important for us. Cooperation, collaboration, and mutual support for the security and defense of our Homeland - and the recruitment process for the numerically increased Polish Armed Forces is an expression of this - is a confirmation of common goals and actions for the benefit of society and the state," says Colonel Mirosław Bryś, Head of the Central Military Recruitment Centre.


Source: Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A.
