CZ/SK verze

PHOTO: Meet the world’s largest battery-powered railway maintenance machine from Railcare in Stockholm's Citybanan rail tunnel

PHOTO: Meet the world’s largest battery-powered railway maintenance machine from Railcare in Stockholm's Citybanan rail tunnel
photo: Railcare/Meet the world’s largest battery-powered railway maintenance machine from Railcare in Stockholm's Citybanan rail tunnel
17 / 05 / 2022

The battery-powered MPV (Multi-Purpose Vehicle) is a versatile working vehicle for railway maintenance, an extensive battery bank powers it In the current project, Trafikverket has hired Railcare to vacuum a railway tunnel Citybanan under Stockholm from the small particles and metal dust that arises during braking and collects in the tunnel.

Since the machine is battery-powered and does not generate any emissions it has greatly facilitated the planning phase. Citybanan is classified as a complex area, it comes with many requirements. Gasoline should not be used in the tunnel, along with tools and machines that can develop smoke, planning is made more difficult. The MPV is battery operated, we have not needed to plan for any of this, says Adam Sundin, Operations Manager at Railcare AB.


With 18 trains per hour on the Citybanan, each deceleration becomes a strain on the area and the stations are where most of the dust collects. Trafikverket takes regular air quality measurements and from its most recent test, slightly too large amounts of dust were measured. Since the track has built-in platforms, the passengers’ travel environment is not affected, however, the working environment for the contractors who perform ongoing maintenance in the tunnel is. Railcare’s project is to vacuum Citybanan to ensure air quality for the working environment.

With the help of vacuum technology, the MPV works like a giant vacuum cleaner. Battery operation has facilitated the work on the Citybanan, but the machine of course is also advantageous on the railway above ground. Then vacuum technology is used for, for example, cable management, ballast replacement, or drainage. The battery bank itself can also operate other maintenance machines on the railway. Something that can create completely new opportunities for the industry.

About Railcare:

The Swedish Railcare Group offers products and services of different types of innovative railway maintenance, transport services, and machinery, primarily in the Nordic region and the UK. Railcare Group (publ) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
