CZ/SK verze

New Subway Improves Safety and Accessibility on Rail Baltica Warsaw-Bialystok Line"

New Subway Improves Safety and Accessibility on Rail Baltica Warsaw-Bialystok Line&quote;
photo: PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A./New Subway Improves Safety and Accessibility on Rail Baltica Warsaw-Bialystok Line"
05 / 07 / 2023

PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., the state-owned railway infrastructure manager in Poland, has made it safer and more convenient for travellers in Topor on the Rail Baltica Warsaw-Bialystok railway line by building a new subway underneath the tracks for better access to the train stop.

The 12 m long tunnel under the tracks, replacing an existing crossing at rail level, is well-lit and clearly marked. The project, part of the EU-funded Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), is the latest investment in Topor and the Węgrów district.

The subway offers more comfortable access to the platforms of the railway stop in Topor, with facilities for people with reduced mobility including comfortable access to the platforms, covered ramps and stairs. For cyclists, a shelter with racks for 30 bicycles has been built, and a pedestrian and bicycle path has been laid out from a nearby district road, encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport.

Work on the crossing began in spring 2022, with a budget of PLN 9.5 million net. This forms part of a wider investment by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. in Topor, which includes the safe overpass built in May 2021. As part of the 'Works on the E75 line between Sadowne and Czyżew' project, a total of 12 facilities are being built. The total net value of these EU co-financed investments is PLN 347.6 million.
