An online conference on high-speed tracks (VRT) in the Czech Republic took place on 13th of April. This project has one of the highest priorities and support on the political scene. The total price is estimated at 500-600 billion crowns. Feasibility studies are currently underway by the Ministry of Transport.
Metrostav, Opočenský Valouch architects (ov-a), representatives from the Railway Administration, and the Institute of Planning and Development participated. According to the lecturers, this project has an international overlap. These are the new "arteries" of the 21st century in Central Europe. The goal is to achieve a balance between regions, reduce the carbon footprint, speed up journeys, capacity and, above all, wider railway accessibility for the Population of the Czech Republic.
Among other things, the above mentioned advantages of VRT include the speed of trains reaching up to 320 km/h. The speed of the train will be affected by the surrounding terrain, which can reach a maximum climb of up to 35‰ or weather (wind, snow). The current maximum speed reaches 160 km/h.
200m width is required for building. 30-40 meters is needed for the tracks themselves. Surrounding areas will be needed in terms of safety and soundproofing. The problem of tracing is an arch with a radius of more than 7 km and a relatively densely populated Czech Republic.
VRT will be newly built railways that will connect with each other and today's conventional tracks. The first section will be built in Polabí- connection between Prague in the direction of Hradec Králové. Part of this project is the construction of a new railway station- Prague East. The contract was won by METROPROJEKT in cooperation with architects from ov-a.
The transport model expects up to 133,000 passengers per day. This will increase passenger capacity, which will not be satisfied in the near future. New tracks and locomotives will reduce travel time between regions by up to 50% of journey time. At the same time, the railway will not be as busy with the current volume of locomotives.
The inspiration is the French know-how of SNCF. The greatest value is its interconnectedness and complexity. To date, it has been safely operated and tuned for more than 40 years.
As the first phase of construction approaches, concerns are growing among the people, national parks or protected landscape areas where the VRT route will lead. The changes concern, inter alia, geodetic changes in the terrain.
People are concerned about changes in the terrain of their homes, an increase in traffic density in municipalities or an impact on wildlife. All these problems are thought of by the main protagonists and are part of a project to satisfy all parties.
VRT's vision is to complete the entire route between Prague-Brno by 2032.
The project will create many new jobs for skilled professions, such as architects and civil engineers, as well as unskilled ones.
The VRT project has a transnational reach. His vision is to become the new backbone of transport across Europe. Ambition to increase transport, but mainly passenger transport through the tracks. The Czech Republic commits the EU to the Green Deal and thus to reducing the carbon footprint on the environmental environment.