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Innofreight's HighPerformanceBase Sets a New Standard for Quick Innovation.

Innofreight's HighPerformanceBase Sets a New Standard for Quick Innovation.
photo: Innofreight/Innofreight's HighPerformanceBase Sets a New Standard for Quick Innovation.
10 / 03 / 2023

A recent development by Innofreight has allowed a block train with 20 pieces of 90 ft InnoWaggons to transport pipeline pipes between Mühlheim an der Ruhr and the port in Brake in Germany. The HighPerformanceBase, which was quickly developed by technicians, has a square profile with wooden support and is designed to increase the loading capacity of the transport.

With the HighPerformanceBase and DHATEC's common system for pipe transports, the InnoWaggons can now accommodate a payload of two to four additional pipes per wagon, increasing the maximum payload to 147.5 t per wagon and boosting the loading capacity by a third. For this transport, DB Cargo carried out the logistics for the pipe producer Europipe, with four bases installed on one InnoWaggon.

This remarkable development serves as a carrier for a wide variety of products, making it a universal product capable of transporting numerous goods with ease and safety, and with a supporting surface flexibly adapted to the specific load. The HighPerformanceBase is not only suitable for transporting pipes, but also slabs or concrete parts. The development of the HighPerformanceBase showcases Innofreight's ability to react quickly, with the prototype tests conducted in October and the first 80 bases delivered by the end of January 2023.
