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Green Revolution on Rails: France's First Hybrid Electric-Diesel-Battery Train Begins Testing

Green Revolution on Rails: France's First Hybrid Electric-Diesel-Battery Train Begins Testing
photo: Emmanuel Grimault / Alstom/Green Revolution on Rails: France's First Hybrid Electric-Diesel-Battery Train Begins Testing
16 / 06 / 2023

In the bid to combat climate change and curb greenhouse gas emissions, France has taken a significant step forward in the realm of railway transport. The first hybrid electric-diesel-battery regional train in the country commenced its testing phase on the Toulouse-Mazamet and Toulouse-Rodez lines in early April.

The trial aimed to evaluate the performance of the hybrid train on real railway routes and in actual operating conditions. This initiative is a joint venture by SNCF Group and Alstom, backed by four French Regions—Occitanie, Grand Est, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, and Centre-Val de Loire. The focus of the project is to cut energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by retrofitting the existing thermal fleet without needing to modify the current infrastructure.

The hybridization of the Régiolis trainset involved replacing half of the thermal engines with lithium-ion battery-powered energy storage systems. Executed at the CAF site in Reichshoffen, this operation allowed for an initial validation phase at the end of 2020 at the Alstom site in Tarbes. Following this, one carriage of the train was equipped with a laboratory and various sensors for real-time monitoring of the train's energy flows. The initial tests have been promising, showcasing energy savings of up to 20% on specific routes, thanks to a braking energy recovery rate exceeding 90%.

The modified trainset is set to run throughout 2024 across various regions after receiving the necessary authorisations for commercial operation from the Etablissement Public de Sécurité Ferroviaire (EPSF). The beginning of the commercial service is slated for the end of 2023 in Occitanie. Beyond testing and deployment, the hybrid train represents a bold stride towards decarbonizing rail transport, a key element in France's strategy to mitigate the impact of climate change. The triumph of this trial will not only reduce CO2 emissions but will also lead the path to a sustainable and greener future for rail transport in France.
