CZ/SK verze

Green deal and CZ LOKO: The first hydrogen locomotive finally has a new title

Green deal and CZ LOKO: The first hydrogen locomotive finally has a new title
photo: CZ LOKO/press materials/CZ LOKO
15 / 12 / 2021

Locomotive manufacturer from Czech republic, CZ LOKO, announced its winner in the poll for the best title for a new model of hydrogen locomotives.

The company announced the winning title on its LinkedIn account, which received the most votes. The winner is HydrogenShunter 1000. Initially, the poll included three titles. The options were HydrogenShunter, H-Shunter, and the H2Shunter. 

The plug-in hybrid locomotive HybridShunter 1000 will get powered by up to three battery containers. Containers with a total usable capacity of up to 600 kWh. The backup is a combustion engine for recharging the batteries. The locomotive with a maximum power of up to 800 kW will use hydrogen cells to recharge the traction batteries.

"A green agreement for Europe, pushing for a reduction in its carbon footprint, is a big challenge for us. We are already developing two types of dual and two types of hybrid locomotives. We continue to monitor this trend and analyze in detail the advantages and disadvantages of these unconventional solutions. And hydrogen is another of them because the Green Deal brings about a fundamental change in the behavior of the entire EU market. Unfortunately, the dynamics of the changes are much more pronounced than the market's ability to adapt to them, "said CZ LOKO's Sales Director Jan Kutálek.

The company wants to launch this type in 2026. It will be a product suitable only for specific types of operations, which does not require continuous deployment or readiness. It got designed for sidings, not the line service.
