photo: Carleton E. Watkins, Flickr, Beinecke Library / Steam to Speed: Tracing the Evolution of Locomotives
The inception of steam-powered locomotives traces back to the early 19th century in Great Britain. These engines initially hauled wagons laden with coal, but engineers soon modified them to carry passengers. The steam locomotive operates by burning combustible materials, including coal, wood, and oil, to generate steam. This steam, in turn, powers various pieces of machinery which collaborate to propel the train forward.
Interestingly, the use of railroads in the United States commenced almost concurrently with the arrival of the first European settlers, dating back to the 1820s. Initially, most locomotives were imported from Great Britain, but it wasn't long before the U.S. established its locomotive manufacturing industry. The production of American locomotives began in earnest during the early 1830s. The reliance on trains escalated as the primary mode of transportation, owing to the nonexistence of cars and airplanes during this period. This epoch, extending from the 1880s to the 1920s, was recognized as "The Golden Age" of railroads.
However, the early 1900s brought the advent of cars and airplanes, and their swift rise in popularity led to a gradual eclipse of trains as the principal means of transportation post-1920s. Trains didn't become obsolete, but steam-powered locomotives started to be supplanted by electric and diesel-powered locomotives from the early 1900s. By the 1980s, most steam-powered locomotives had been retired from regular service routes, although a handful of them are still operated on tourist or heritage lines to preserve and showcase the rich history of railroads.
Today, the landscape of locomotives has significantly evolved. Electric and diesel-powered locomotives have largely replaced steam-powered ones, and we have witnessed groundbreaking advancements in rail transport over the last century. The upcoming article will provide a detailed exploration of these contemporary locomotives and the remarkable developments in high-speed trains capable of speeds exceeding 300 mph.