photo: RAILTARGET/DAC from Knorr-Bremse at InnoTrans 2024
Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) represents a key innovation for modernizing European rail freight and achieving the EU’s Green Deal goals. This technology promises to automate and enhance the efficiency of the rail freight sector, shifting a greater volume of freight from congested roads to environmentally friendly railways.
Sustainability is a critical factor in improving rail transport’s competitiveness against road and air transportation. As highlighted in a recent report by Europe's Rail, improvements in energy efficiency not only reduce costs but also amplify environmental benefits, making rail an increasingly attractive mode of transport.
Rail freight plays a pivotal role in meeting the ambitious climate goals outlined in the EU's Green Deal. Shifting freight from roads to railways remains the fastest and most efficient path to reducing CO2 emissions. However, achieving this shift requires substantial transformations in the rail sector.
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The Green Deal on Rails: Moving Toward the Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC)
Rail freight is essential for achieving the ambitious climate goals outlined in the European Green Deal, as it provides a sustainable solution for reducing CO2 emissions. Shifting freight transport from roads to railways is the fastest and most efficient way to lower emissions, but significant changes are needed in the rail sector to make this shift a reality.
Over the past five years, the share of rail freight has declined by 2%, as Kristian Schmidt, Director for Land Transport at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), highlighted during a panel discussion at InnoTrans 2024. This leads to an increased need to strengthen the competitiveness of rail freight against other modes of transport, predominantly road transport. To improve competitiveness, cost efficiency, and productivity, the rail sector must undergo a transformation focused on automation and digitalization.
Innovations such as the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), Automated Train Operations (ATO), the Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC), and enhanced digital platforms are vital for modernizing rail infrastructure, according to the International Union of Railways. These advancements aim to increase capacity, improve service frequency, and ultimately make rail an attractive option for freight transport, helping Europe meet its sustainability goals.
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Sustainability as a Key Factor in Rail Transport Competitiveness
Efforts to modernize Europe’s rail freight systems are gaining momentum as research and development intensify in preparing the Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) for mass production. By 2030, the goal is to transition from the current manual screw coupler system to DAC, which will revolutionize freight transport across Europe. While this ambitious shift requires years of real-world testing, its phased implementation has already begun, as showcased at InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin.
In addition to modernizing outdated technology, DAC introduces several new features, including automating train preparation tasks, improving safety, and enhancing operational efficiency through digitalization. DAC will simplify coupling and enable full automation of processes such as wagon registration, technical inspections, and brake tests. This paves the way for longer, more efficient trains with improved communication and energy supply systems, according to Europe’s Rail. The first operational DAC trains are expected by 2026 or 2027 as part of pioneering efforts.
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Revolutionizing Rail Freight: The Role of DAC
The Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) offers a unique opportunity to revolutionize European rail freight, playing a critical role in transforming rail operations. By introducing state-of-the-art technology and innovation, DAC provides increased capacity to shift larger volumes of freight to rail, creating a foundation for both climate protection and economic growth, as noted by the International Union of Railways.
As a cornerstone of digitalization and automation, DAC is crucial for achieving the goal of increasing rail freight's market share to 30% by 2030, a key target aligned with the European Green Deal. This transformation positions DAC as a fundamental building block for a more sustainable and efficient future in European rail transport.
Source: Europe's Rail; RAILTARGET; International Union of Railways