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ANSFISA: The main goal is the establishment of a modern infrastructure safety supervision and monitoring system, following the example of the railway's sector.

ANSFISA: The main goal is the establishment of a modern infrastructure safety supervision and monitoring system, following the example of the railway's sector.
26 / 05 / 2021

ANSFISA was established in November 2020 as the successor to ANSF, acquiring all human, instrumental, and financial resources as well as extending the existing operational model to the road and highway infrastructure safety sector.

The Agency consists of two separate departments tasked with carrying out the functions assigned to it by the Legislative Decree №. 109/2018, concerning railway safety (as in the past) and the safety of the road and highway infrastructure, the safety of tunnels located on roads also belonging to the trans-European road network and the safety of high-speed public transport systems.

Recently, ANSFISA presented its first report which outlined its activities in 2020 and its plans in the near future. Last year the Agency began key administrative operations, such as the appointment of the General Director and other senior management. The articles of association and management regulations were also approved. In addition, a public selection was launched for the first contingent of personnel. Now the Agency has filled 164 of the 569 available positions required by law, meaning 70% of the posts have yet to be filled.

The report shows that data available for roads and motorways is incomplete, especially in the case of local roads because of regulatory stratification, multiple layers of management and ageing infrastructure. The new agency has requested the involvement of local authorities in order to better understand the actual number of infrastructures. The next step will be the establishment of a modern infrastructure safety supervision and monitoring system, following the example of the railways sector. This is why ANSFISA is working in collaboration with stakeholders on guidelines for the certification of Safety Management Systems.

Concerning railways, the report shows that in 2020 accidents on the national and regional railway network amounted to 86, an increase compared to 2019, but lower than the average of the last five years and among the lowest levels recorded in Europe. There were 70 victims (dead and seriously injured), of which 64 related to the national network and 6 to interconnected regional railways.

65% of accidents are still attributable to the incorrect behaviour of users and other members of the public leading to incidents both on the tracks and at level crossings: in 2020, 56 events and 58 victims, of which there were 37 deaths (out of a total of 43) and 21 seriously injured (out of a total of 27) occurred because of incorrect public behaviour. In this context, work on improving the understanding of rules in the railway sector is required through awareness campaigns, which have already been launched in recent years and in which ANSFISA intends to increase future investment.

Approximately 28% of accidents are attributable to internal factors in the railways, including an increase of errors in the implementation of procedures during operational activities and maintenance. Such events are often linked to human error, which the safety of railways and infrastructures must work on through the greater promotion of the Just Culture, a dynamic advancement of prevention based on the findings of previous accidents.

