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Alstom Secures Contract to Revolutionize Belo Horizonte’s Metro with Advanced Signalling System

Alstom Secures Contract to Revolutionize Belo Horizonte’s Metro with Advanced Signalling System
photo: Alstom/Alstom Secures Contract to Revolutionize Belo Horizonte’s Metro with Advanced Signalling System
18 / 10 / 2023

Alstom has signed a contract with Metrô BH, a company under Grupo Comporte, to supply a new signalling system and Operational Control Center (OCC) for Line 1 and its extension, and the new Line 2 of Belo Horizonte’s Minas Gerais State Metro. As part of this agreement, Alstom will implement an Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system, including new signalling and state-of-the-art onboard equipment. New systems will allow Metrô BH to provide more efficient service since the start of operation of the future Line 2.

ATO provides a safer, more efficient and reliable system for riders. This technology ensures the trains stop at the right points and that doors open and close at set intervals. In addition, 48 Automatic Train Control (ATC) systems will be installed to equip 24 new trains that will be acquired in the future, besides the modernisation of existing trains operating on Line 1.

"The contract celebrates a significant transformation in the city's urban mobility. Through the implementation of state-of-the-art signalling technology and the improvement of the Operational Control Center, we are redefining the industry’s standards of excellence in Belo Horizonte. The pioneering introduction of the ATO system underscores our commitment to bringing innovation and tangible enhancement to the transportation experience in Belo Horizonte,” says Michel Boccaccio, president of Alstom in Brazil and general director for Latin America. 

Metro BH signalling system infographic

To prepare for the ATO system, Alstom will be installing signalling on 28.1 km of Line 1 on the Eldorado-Vilarinho section, already existing, in addition to a future extension that will include the Novo Eldorado station, with an additional 1.6 km of permanent line extension. Additionally, the São Gabriel yard will be modernised, providing greater efficiency in operations and maintenance. Completion of the new Line 1 signalling, including the extension to the Novo Eldorado station, is scheduled for 2026. 

Line 2 will have a total length of 10.5 kilometers of signalling with 7 stations that will extend from Nova Suíça to Barreiro. By 2027, work on line 2, including Barreiro station, will be completed. The concession contract provides that this section will be in operation by 2028. When both lines conclude, there will be approximately 40 kilometers of Alstom signalling in the metro of Belo Horizonte and it is estimated that more than 260,000 passengers will be benefited.

Source: Alstom
