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Tag: Serbia

Serbia is planning large infrastructure investments. The modernization concerns up to 300 km of tracks

Serbia is planning large infrastructure investments. The modernization concerns up to 300 km of tracks

SEE MOBILITY 2021: Throwback to RAILTARGET´s event and the fair

SEE MOBILITY 2021: Throwback to RAILTARGET´s event and the fair

10 / 12 / 2021
Interviews and Events
Transport ministers of Bulgaria and Serbia agreed upon building intermodal hub on border between the two countries

Transport ministers of Bulgaria and Serbia agreed upon building intermodal hub on border between the two countries

RAILTARGET SEE MOBILITY 2021: Tomislav Momirovíc, Minister of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure, Serbia

RAILTARGET SEE MOBILITY 2021: Tomislav Momirovíc, Minister of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure, Serbia

19 / 11 / 2021
Interviews and Events
Hungary´s big step towards connecting Budapest and Belgrade

Hungary´s big step towards connecting Budapest and Belgrade

Stadler won a contract to supply cars for the Serbian railways

Stadler won a contract to supply cars for the Serbian railways

16 / 10 / 2021
Serbia prepares massive infrastructure investments worth EUR 6 billion

Serbia prepares massive infrastructure investments worth EUR 6 billion

12 / 10 / 2021
Western Balkan Railway Summit 2021: The top of the Balkan Railways met in one place

Western Balkan Railway Summit 2021: The top of the Balkan Railways met in one place

07 / 10 / 2021
Interviews and Events
Serbia to invest € 6.52 billion in railway infrastructure

Serbia to invest € 6.52 billion in railway infrastructure

23 / 09 / 2021
World Bank: $62.5 million to support the Serbian railway modernization project.

World Bank: $62.5 million to support the Serbian railway modernization project.

29 / 04 / 2021
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