CZ/SK verze

Tag: sagasta

Let's take a look: Reconstruction of the lines Mladá Boleslav-Nymburk on the GIS portal

Let's take a look: Reconstruction of the lines Mladá Boleslav-Nymburk on the GIS portal

Czech High-Speed Lines attract foreign giants: who are the new players on our railway market?

Czech High-Speed Lines attract foreign giants: who are the new players on our railway market?

South Korea’s Big Leap: High-Speed Rail Ambitions in the Czech Republic

South Korea’s Big Leap: High-Speed Rail Ambitions in the Czech Republic

Spanish Expertise, Czech Ambition: SAGASTA Wins Bid for New High-Speed Rail Control Center

Spanish Expertise, Czech Ambition: SAGASTA Wins Bid for New High-Speed Rail Control Center

Prague Plans High-Speed Rail Dispatch Center: An EUR 1.5M Project Bringing More Than Train Control

Prague Plans High-Speed Rail Dispatch Center: An EUR 1.5M Project Bringing More Than Train Control