CZ/SK verze

Tag: regiopanter

Czech Republic’s First Battery Trains Hit the Tracks – But Are They Ready?

Czech Republic’s First Battery Trains Hit the Tracks – But Are They Ready?

29 / 01 / 2025
Batteries Over Diesel: Škoda’s First Eco-Friendly Train Hits Czech Rails

Batteries Over Diesel: Škoda’s First Eco-Friendly Train Hits Czech Rails

17 / 12 / 2024
Under the Microscope: Stadler Flirt Akku vs. Škoda RegioPanter 690

Under the Microscope: Stadler Flirt Akku vs. Škoda RegioPanter 690

20 / 10 / 2024
Bulgaria to Receive New Trains: Škoda Group to Enhance Travel with Multi-Million Investment

Bulgaria to Receive New Trains: Škoda Group to Enhance Travel with Multi-Million Investment

ETCS Stress Tests Yield Promising Results: Setting the Direction for Future Railway Safety in the Czech Republic

ETCS Stress Tests Yield Promising Results: Setting the Direction for Future Railway Safety in the Czech Republic

VIDEO: RegioPanter Collision Shakes Czech Internet. Train and Truck Collide, Minor Injuries Reported

VIDEO: RegioPanter Collision Shakes Czech Internet. Train and Truck Collide, Minor Injuries Reported

02 / 11 / 2023
Revolutionizing Regional Travel: The RegioPanter EMUs by Czech Railways

Revolutionizing Regional Travel: The RegioPanter EMUs by Czech Railways

EXCITING: The First New Three-Car Unit RegioPanter Has Been Presented in Ostrava

EXCITING: The First New Three-Car Unit RegioPanter Has Been Presented in Ostrava

Czech republic: Panter's ceremonial baptism by Škoda Transportation took place in the Pilsen region

Czech republic: Panter's ceremonial baptism by Škoda Transportation took place in the Pilsen region

04 / 10 / 2021
Škoda has signed a contract for the maintenance of electric trains in the Czech Republic

Škoda has signed a contract for the maintenance of electric trains in the Czech Republic

29 / 09 / 2021
Škoda Transportation and Czech Railways signed another contract for the supply of RegioPanter cars

Škoda Transportation and Czech Railways signed another contract for the supply of RegioPanter cars

15 / 12 / 2020