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Tag: ÖBB-Infrastruktur

Vorarlberg on Track: The Modernization of ÖBB Klaus Stop

Vorarlberg on Track: The Modernization of ÖBB Klaus Stop

06 / 10 / 2023
Revolutionizing Railway Safety: ÖBB and Stadler Introduce Hybrid Servicejets

Revolutionizing Railway Safety: ÖBB and Stadler Introduce Hybrid Servicejets

“The Lack of Harmonisation of Access to Electricity on the Rail, Unlike Other Rail Operating Regulations at the EU Level, Is a Problem,” Says Michael Bares,…

“The Lack of Harmonisation of Access to Electricity on the Rail, Unlike Other Rail Operating Regulations at the EU Level, Is a Problem,” Says Michael Bares,…

02 / 06 / 2023
Interviews and Events
GREAT NEWS: The Loudonsteg Footbridge in Vienna Penzing Has Been Newly Opened

GREAT NEWS: The Loudonsteg Footbridge in Vienna Penzing Has Been Newly Opened

The ÖBB begins construction work on the complete double-track extension of the Marchegger Ostbahn. When is it scheduled for completion?

The ÖBB begins construction work on the complete double-track extension of the Marchegger Ostbahn. When is it scheduled for completion?

Agenda Bahnindustrie Frauen Awards

Agenda Bahnindustrie Frauen Awards

31 / 10 / 2021
Interviews and Events