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Tag: Irish Rail

Alstom Secures Landmark Deal with Irish Rail to Transform the Cork Area Commuter Rail Network

Alstom Secures Landmark Deal with Irish Rail to Transform the Cork Area Commuter Rail Network

Irish Rail and Alstom Team Up: An Electrifying Shift in Irish Commuting

Irish Rail and Alstom Team Up: An Electrifying Shift in Irish Commuting

Irish Minister for Transport Joins Alstom and Irish Rail to Reveal DART+ Mock-up Carriage

Irish Minister for Transport Joins Alstom and Irish Rail to Reveal DART+ Mock-up Carriage

GREAT DEAL: Irish Rail Orders 18 Additional X’trapolis Battery-electric Trains from Alstom

GREAT DEAL: Irish Rail Orders 18 Additional X’trapolis Battery-electric Trains from Alstom

05 / 12 / 2022