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Video: Photo exhibition of the war in Ukraine at the train station in Vilnius

Video: Photo exhibition of the war in Ukraine at the train station in Vilnius
photo: Facebook/Lietuvos geležinkeliai/Video: Photo exhibition of the war in Ukraine at the train station in Vilnius
07 / 04 / 2022

The first video footage of Russian passengers on the train reacting to the photo boards has emerged.An exhibition of photographs of civilian objects destroyed in Ukraine because of Russia's aggression against the country opened at a train station in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius at the end of March. Each of the posters placed along with the platform where the Moscow-Kaliningrad train stops reads ''Today, Putin is killing civilians in Ukraine. Do you agree with this?" Following that, identical text echoes from loudspeakers in Russian.

The organizers of these events hoped to convey the truth about the war in Ukraine in this way. Recently, video footage from inside the trains appeared on social media, based on which one can conclude that the organizers' intention fulfills its primary purpose. The images of war visible from the train windows arouse great interest among passengers, as you can see for yourself in the video below.


Source of video: Youtube/ Konstantin Rozhkov
