CZ/SK verze

ViaMobilidade hires Siemens Mobility to upgrade lines 8-Diamante and 9-Esmeralda

ViaMobilidade hires Siemens Mobility to upgrade lines 8-Diamante and 9-Esmeralda
photo: Siemens press materials/ViaMobilidade hires Siemens Mobility to upgrade lines 8-Diamante and 9-Esmeralda
14 / 04 / 2022

ViaMobilidade and Siemens Mobility have signed two contracts for services to upgrade the infrastructure of lines 8-Diamante and 9-Esmeralda of the São Paulo Metro network. According to the contract, Siemens Mobility will equip the lines with new automated signalling, traction power and electrification system, which will provide a wider offer of trains and shorter intervals between one train and another.

"Our investments in lines 8 and 9 will result in a very positive model for metropolitan rail transport. We are pleased that Siemens Mobility will continue to contribute significantly to the modernization of our network," says Francisco Pierrini, CEO of ViaMobilidade Linhas 8 e 9.


The Line 8 upgrades include:

- Renovations of the Imperatriz Leopoldina, Osasco, Santa Terezinha and Santa Rita substations

- New cabins at Barueri, Itapevi and Amador Bueno

- Renovation of Presidente Altino, Osasco and Quitaúna cabins
