CZ/SK verze

TX Logistik has increased the number of trains between Duisburg and Milan

TX Logistik has increased the number of trains between Duisburg and Milan
photo: TX Logistik/TX Logistik has increased the number of trains between Duisburg and Milan
02 / 09 / 2021

TX Logistik (Germany) has increased the number of trains running weekly between Germany and Italy from five to six pairs. With the completion of the reconstruction of the Gotthard North-South Corridor, rail transport of motor vehicles up to 4 m (size P400) across Switzerland is possible without any restrictions. This factor contributed to the growth of demand for such services. Now TX Logistik trains run in both directions not only from Monday to Friday, but also on Saturdays

TX Logistik trains run between the terminals in Duisburg and Segrate (Milan), running in the Rhine Valley via Zurich, the Gotthard Base Tunnel and Chiasso. TX Logistik switched to the terminal in Segrate in December 2020, abandoning the services of the terminal in Busto Arsizio. This choice is due not only to the location of Segrate (near Milan and the industrial areas of Bergamo and Brescia), but also to the developed ties of the Italian operator Mercitalia (a subsidiary of Italian railways) with other cities and regions such as Rome, Naples, and Sicily.

In each train, there are 34 seats for loading containers of different types of containers, including for the transportation of liquid and bulk cargo, car semi-trailers (they usually account for more than half of the seats) and exchange bodies. Consumer goods are mainly presented for transportation between the two countries.
