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Trains and Christmas: Unraveling the Magic Behind this Cherished Tradition

Trains and Christmas: Unraveling the Magic Behind this Cherished Tradition
photo: Mansun Lin / Flickr/A bridge
24 / 12 / 2023

Have you ever wondered about the connection between trains and Christmas? Today, trains are commonly associated with Christmas traditions, but this wasn’t always the case.

The magical Christmas season is a time when children eagerly anticipate a tree laden with presents, among which model trains are a frequent and popular gift. Unboxing the set, assembling it, and letting it circle under and around the Christmas tree has become part of a cherished tradition. This tradition dates back roughly a hundred years to the early 20th century.

It was around this time that the ambitious manufacturer Lionel began producing the first electric model trains. These model trains quickly gained immense popularity, giving rise to a new hobby – model railroading – that millions of people around the world have come to adore.

Jim, the Photographer / Flickr

In the past, train travel was often the only means of transportation available for families traveling long distances to reunite and celebrate the holidays. Although this is no longer as common today, certain traditions persist, with trains still evoking a quintessentially traditional Christmas atmosphere!
