photo:; Transportin the Führer/Hitler's Steel Monster Führersonderzug Called "America", or "The Führer's Special Train"
Adolf Hitler's Führersonderzug passenger train was named "Amerika" for four years from 1939, but was then renamed Führersonderzug "Brandenburg". The train, which originally served as the headquarters of the German army until the Balkan campaign, became Adolf Hitler's personal train. He used it as a means of travel throughout the war between Berlin, Berchtesgaden, Munich and other military headquarters.
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The Velim test circuit is celebrating its 60th birthday, and RAILTARGET editorial staff could not miss this event. The programme started with a short…
At the end of April 1945, orders came to Hitler's aide Julius Schaub to go to Austria and destroy the Führersonderzug there. However, this was not carried out, and the SS had Hitler's passenger car destroyed after Hitler's death. The remainder of the train was used by Great Britain and the United States in post-war occupied Germany, being returned in the 1950s. During the 1960s and 1970s, the train's carriages were split up and used separately. Some parts of the train are now housed in the museum.
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One of the world's leading logistics meetings, transport logistic, has been postponed since 2019 due to the pandemic, which is why this year's face-to-face…
The train, manufactured by Krauss Maffei, reached speeds between 80 and 120 km/h and at a weight of 1,200 tonnes the train measured 430 metres. Exact information about the train's movements and possible configurations during Hitler's travels is unknown. The documents were always destroyed along the way, probably for security reasons.
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The inconsistency in rail gauges between Ukraine and Poland causes a prominent obstacle to efficient railway operation. Therefore, this month, the…