photo: Wegscheider / ÖBB/ÖBB Lost & Found Balance Sheet 2022: 27,000 Found Objects & All Kinds of Curiosities
The current railway boom is also noticeable at the ÖBB Lost & Found Service Centres. While around 19,000 lost and found items were handed in in 2021, this number rose significantly to 27,000 items in 2022 – an increase of 42 per cent.
The seven ÖBB Lost & Found offices are often the saviours in distress for many passengers. Especially when crucial items such as mobile phones, keys or ATM cards turn up again, the relief is great. However, the impetus has to come from honest finders who hand in the items to ÖBB staff or directly to the Lost & Found offices. Fortunately, there are probably a lot of honest people on ÖBB trains.
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In total, 34 per cent of all items handed in (2021: also 34 per cent) were returned in 2022. On the other hand, many items are not collected. So it pays to ask.
The top 3 found objects & all kinds of curiosities
In 2022, around 8,900 found bags, suitcases or backpacks were handed in to ÖBB (2021: 5,200). Electronics, cameras and mobile phones, which were lost more than 4,900 times (2021: 3,600), came in a distant second. To complete the top 3 lost and found items: Wallets, money, and securities were handed in 3,400 times (2021: 2,800) at an ÖBB Lost & Found location.
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In total, around 27,000 items were handed in at one of the seven ÖBB Lost & Found locations this year – that is over 70 items per day. Those items that are not collected at one of the Lost & Found locations are handed over to the public authorities as required by law.

Anything can be lost: From a walking aid to a dog
In addition to other classic lost and found items such as clothing (2022: 2,300 items, 2021: 1,900 items), identity cards, documents and plastic cards (2022: 2,500 items, 2021: 1,500 items) or keys (2022: 1,600 items, 2021: 1,200 items), all kinds of curious items are also found at the Lost & Found locations: This year, in addition to 38 walking aids (crutches, walkers, canes), 16 hearing aids, four braces, three dentures and two wheelchairs were also forgotten. On the other hand, 34 prams, 99 bicycles and two dogs were left behind on the train.

It is well known that musicians also like to travel by train. A total of 81 instruments were found, which is 14 more than in 2021. Guitars (38) are the most frequently lost. But 18 wind instruments (e.g., trumpets), 10 string instruments (e.g. violins) and two keyboard instruments (e.g. keyboards) were also forgotten.
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New software facilitates the search
More than 20 employees work for Lost & Found in Austria daily. If something is lost on ÖBB trains or at one of the stations or stops, you can find help here. The Lost & Found staff is there for customers Monday to Thursday from 7:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:30 and Friday from 7:30 to 13:30.
Source: ÖBB News Releases