CZ/SK verze

Let's support International Level Crossing Awareness Day!

Let's support International Level Crossing Awareness Day!
photo: photo
10 / 06 / 2021

Today is 13th International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD)!!! Since the first date of the campaign on June 25, 2009, about 28 countries have joined in to increase our responsibility and awareness when crossing level crossings.

Crossing accidents account for only 1% of road deaths, but 28% of all deaths in rail transport, according to European statistics. The road and rail organizations from the participating countries acknowledged their shared responsibility to tackle this problem by organizing safety events to develop public awareness and safe behavior at and around level crossings.

Today, more than 40 countries are taking part in this campaign, organizing their actions together to support the safety of railways and level crossings, or by virtually spreading safety messages on websites or social media.



