photo: Archives/Railway
As part of the Green Deal, a modal shift in freight transport from mostly road to rail is necessary, with the objective to double rail freight traffic by 2050. In this webinar ERA will present the second part of the report “Fostering the railway sector through the European Green Deal”. We are looking forward to debating with the audience on some proposed measures to increase and better manage railway capacities and to promote rail freight in more general terms.The webinar aims at a broad audience: freight operators, infrastructure manager, representative bodies, European institutions, universities, local authorities.
How to participate
You will be able to participate by selecting the link ‘Join the webinar’ below (no registration needed). The link will be active a few minutes before the start of the webinar broadcast. If you encounter difficulties to access the webinar, copy the link (URL) in another browser e.g. Chrome. You may ask questions using the Q&A function. The webinar will be recorded and made available on our YouTube Channel after the broadcasting.
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Date: 20.5.2021
Time: 3-4 p.m.
Link: //