CZ/SK verze

TransContainer’s terminal in Zabaykalsk set up a new record for dispatch of block trains loaded with Chinese cargoes

TransContainer’s terminal in Zabaykalsk set up a new record for dispatch of block trains loaded with Chinese cargoes
photo: TransContainer press materials/TransContainer’s terminal in Zabaykalsk set up a new record for dispatch of block trains loaded with Chinese cargoes
03 / 01 / 2022

The largest Russian container operator TransContainer (a Delo Group member) jointly with Zabaykalsk railway station dispatched record 1,340 complete block trains from Zabaykalsk terminal, a strategic inland crossing at the Russian-Chinese border. The record number is 17% higher than in 2020.

Since 2016 when the block trains routing program was first implemented 5,000 trains have been dispatched from the terminal. From then the number of dispatches steadily grew from one year to another.

“Assets development, enhancing the effectiveness of operations, and growth of transportation volume are the priorities of our work. Due to coherent cooperation with Zabaykalsk railway station, we steadily increase the number of dispatches. We plan to dispatch 10 pairs of trains a day and more than 3,000 trains a year in 2024. It will help us to provide smooth handling of the rising cargo flow”, - said Sergey Mukhin, Commercial vice-president of TransContainer.

Zabaykalsk is the main inland railway container terminal at the Russian-Chinese border. The annual capacity of the terminal is 390,000 TEU. At present time TransContainer and Russian Railways implement a project of a thorough technology design in Zabaykalsk which aims at the enlargement of the terminal capacity. Moreover in order to enhance its operational capacity TransContainer acquired another terminal in Zabaykalsk in 2021. This terminal will be reconstructed for the handling of containerized cargo and will be combined with the functioning one in a unified operational and production facility. TransContainer’s assets capacity in Zabaykalsk will reach 500,000 TEU by 2024.


Source: TransContainer press releases

