photo: Srbija Kargo´s press materials/Srbija Kargo´s locomotive
Joint Stock Company for Freight Railway Transport Srbija Kargo has been incorporated on 10th August 2015, in the process of restructuring of Zeleznice Srbije ad (Serbian Railways JSC).
Srbija Kargo a.d. is based on permanent monitoring of the market needs and innovation of its services and, thus, on the attraction of new prospective customers.
Srbija Kargo a.d. maintains the position of the regional leader in South-East Europe in the field of transport of goods by rail, in the next ten years.
Srbija Kargo a.d. has been created as a market-oriented Company providing freight railway transport services in a competitive, safe, economic, and environmentally acceptable manner.
Knowledge and technology, dedication to the fulfillment of customers’ requests, and continuous investments in improvement of business operations of the Company represent the basis on which Srbija Kargo a.d. builds the trust and strengthens its position in the competitive market.
The plans of the Company are in function of the realization of its vision and they are based on the market research, planning of the rolling stock and human resources capacities, and organization structure.
Permanent satisfaction of requests of customers and other interested parties by applying highly standardized operations with the support of qualified and motivated employees.
Srbija Kargo a.d. fulfills its mission in correlation with its employees and business partners, affirming the corporate values and creating a working and operative environment based on cooperation, trust, encouragement, etc.
Srbija Kargo provides the following transport services:
Includes transport of wagon consignments in national and international traffic, such as the consignments of bulk load, chemicals, products and semi-products of metallurgy and construction industry, goods on palettes, etc. transport services:
Includes transport of consignments (loaded and empty railway vehicles) which on certain railway lines exceed the maximum loading gauge and/or maximum axle load and/or maximum load per meter and/or by their structural, technical, or other characteristics do not satisfy the prescribed conditions for the tracks on which they are transported and which require special traffic and technical conditions of transport.
Takeover and forwarding of consignments are performed at 75 service points (38 stations and 37 forwarding points). Apart from that, it is possible to take over and forward the consignments from 114 service points, which have the status of loading points, with the conclusion of special contracts with Srbija Kargo a.d.
Srbija Kargo a.d. possesses 16 new multi-system Vectron locomotives of the company SIEMENS. These locomotives, belonging to a remarkably flexible generation, fulfill the actual and future European standards concerning environment protection, noise emission, and energy-saving and, thus, Srbija Kargo a.d. has confirmed its leading position in the region in respect of quality and safety as well as up-to-date rolling stock.
These locomotives are equipped with the necessary national and European systems for train control, have the possibility to operate on electrified railway lines with different systems of electric energy supply (direct and alternating current), their maximum performance is 6.4MW and reach a maximum speed of 160km/h.
With the procurement of these locomotives, the conditions have been fulfilled that Srbija Kargo can compete for the transport of goods with the operators from EU countries.
SPEED: 160km/h
Srbija Kargo a.d. possesses the freight wagons fleet consisting of the freight wagons of different series, suitable for the transport of all types of bulk loads, containers, goods on palettes, etc.
Series Eas, Eanos – used for transport of goods in the bulk of all granulations and in pieces, primarily of those goods which do not need to be protected against the elements during the transport.
Series Hbis, Habis – used mostly for transport of goods on palettes which needs to be protected against the elements (food, building materials, etc.).
Series Tads - used for transport of goods which needs to be protected from the elements.
Series Sgnss, Shimms, Smmps-tz - used for transport of goods in large pieces or of significant mass (agricultural and building machinery, etc.).
Series Regs, Kgs - used for transport of containers, heavy vehicles, and building machinery.
With the realization of a large number of new projects in the field of its business operations, based on good business policy, strategy, quality, and reliability, and also based on modern organization and aggressive commercial policy, Srbija Kargo, as a national operator, is competitive on the market and fights successfully with emerging competitors.
Srbija Kargo is the only company that performs the transports of national interest and successfully supports the continuous increase of production in HBIS Smederevo, Zi Jin Bor as well as in other companies.
Certainly, one of the priorities of the company is the cooperation with railway administrations from surrounding countries in order to increase the share of the railway on the transport market and also the revitalization of the freight transport on Corridor 10.
Srbija Kargo is especially proud of the fact that they have managed to maintain some major carriers which continue to use Serbia as a transit country and which have not transferred their transports on alternative routes in spite of all aggravating circumstances under which they operated and still operate due to major infrastructure works related to the modernization and reconstruction of the railway lines
In the next 5 years, upon the completion of major infrastructure projects, the appearance of an even larger number of private operators on the market is expected and, therefore, the goal of Srbija Kargo is to maintain the dominant and leading position in the freight railway transport.