CZ/SK verze

Rail Cargo Hungaria and Rail Cargo Logistics - Hungaria consult with forestry companies on railroad timber transportation. How do they plan to contribute to the preservation of Hungarian forests' cleanliness?

Rail Cargo Hungaria and Rail Cargo Logistics - Hungaria consult with forestry companies on railroad timber transportation. How do they plan to contribute to the preservation of Hungarian forests' cleanliness?
photo: Rail Cargo Hungaria/Rail Cargo Hungaria and Rail Cargo Logistics - Hungaria consult with forestry companies on railroad timber transportation. How do they plan to contribute to the preservation of Hungarian forests' cleanliness?
25 / 06 / 2022

The management of Rail Cargo Hungaria and Rail Cargo Logistics - Hungaria consulted with the top managers of eight forestry companies in the framework of the traditional voluntary waste collection initiative to preserve the cleanliness of Hungarian forests.

In addition to environmental protection, the participants discussed the current questions related to timber transport by rail.

In 2020 RCH trains transported 426 thousand tonnes and in 2021 503 thousand tonnes of wood to Hungarian and foreign destinations. A further increase in domestic timber transport is expected in 2022 as the Hungarian population stockpiles unexpected amounts of firewood to ensure heating in winter.

Participants pointed out that the government support system of single wagon transport introduced in the second half of last year paved the path for the long-term preservation of the competitiveness of the Hungarian timber, involved the forestry companies more in international trade and protects thousands of jobs in the railway sector. The commitment of the state facilitated the significant increase in the amount of wood sold and the shift of new shipments from road to environmentally friendly rail.

During logging, the amount of wood felled fills only a few wagons at the loading points and loading stations, which can be transported to the destinations with the most complex and therefore expensive rail technology of single wagon traffic. Without the subsidy, railway companies would have been forced to discontinue this service due to high operating costs.

The event was organised by VERGA Zrt. for the eighth time and the managers of Bakonyerdő Zrt., Vérteserdő Zrt., Zalaerdő Zrt., Ipolyerdő Zrt., Kaszó Zrt., SEFAG Zrt., KEFAG Zrt., Rail Cargo Hungaria and Rail Cargo Logistics - Hungaria took part in it.

The innovative logistics solution developed by RCL-HU also contributed to the competitiveness of Hungarian timber: according to this, the company creates block trains from the single wagons dispatched by the forestry companies at six-station collection points, and these deliver the timber to its distant destination. The task is carried out in collaboration with Rail Cargo Hungaria and the Croatian and Slovenian subsidiaries of Rail Cargo Carrier.


Source: Rail Cargo Hungaria
