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Rail Cargo Group continues to increase grain shipments from Ukraine: How the company helps avoid a global food crisis caused by the Russian invasion

Rail Cargo Group continues to increase grain shipments from Ukraine: How the company helps avoid a global food crisis caused by the Russian invasion
photo: Archive/Rail Cargo Group continues to increase grain shipments from Ukraine: How the company helps avoid a global food crisis caused by the Russian invasion
27 / 06 / 2022

Rail Cargo Group has been providing logistics and transportation services to Ukraine ever since the Russian military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Their aim is to transport significant amounts of Ukrainian grain to various European nations, with over 130,000 pieces of grain having been transported from March to May 2022. These efforts will intensify during the summer, primarily due to the blockade of Ukrainian seaports by the occupation forces.

According to Rail Cargo Group, shipments to Austria are expected to double to around 2,600 tons by July 2022, while shipments to Hungary are expected to rise by 66%, to 6,500-9,100 tons, during the same period. Rail Cargo Hungaria currently handles roughly 75% of grain shipments from Ukraine to Hungary, which is equivalent to 10-15 trains per week, each carrying 1,300-1,600 tons of grain. Rail Cargo Group also offers grain transportation services to Germany, Austria, Italy, and Slovakia.

In addition, Rail Cargo Group is engaged in railway transportation from Reni, Ukraine, to the Romanian port of Constanta. Up until May 2022, more than 33,500 tons of grain had been transported via this route. However, due to a shortage of diesel fuel supplies, the company was compelled to switch to using barges starting in May 2022. Presently, four barges operate on behalf of Rail Cargo Group from Reni to Constanta via the waterway, with a monthly grain transportation capacity of roughly 20,000 tons.

The activities of Rail Cargo Group related to the transportation of Ukrainian grain and the prevention of food price increases across the world are carried out under the auspices of the European Commission's Solidarity Lanes Action Plan.
