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PKP CARGO with optimistic transport results for May

PKP CARGO with optimistic transport results for May
05 / 07 / 2021

In May 2021, PKP CARGO Group recorded a nearly 30% increase in freight transported compared to the same period in 2020. The group's market share also increased for the next month in a row.

In May 2021, PKP CARGO transported 7.8 million tonnes of goods (+ 28.5% compared to last year). During this time, the group recorded an increase in shipping performance of + 25.1%. r/r to 2.0 billion tkm. As a result, in May 2021, PKP CARGO Group's market share was 39.75% (i.e. increased 1.84%) by cargo weight and 43.05% (+3.15%)  transport performance.

Compared to the previous year, the company's transport increased in the following segments: coal (+ 38.9%), stone, gravel and lime (+ 18.7%), coke and brown coal (+ 110.8%), metals and metal products (+ 54.5%), fertilizers (+ 51.9%). Intermodal transport also increased by 9.3% year on year.

Month-on-month, PKP CARGO group shipments increased by + 0.2% in May.  At the same time, the company recorded a minimal decrease in transport performance of -1.1% compared to the previous month.

„Compared to May 2020, no one should be surprised by such a high increase in the transport of bulk goods. A year ago we experienced a lockdown and now the Polish economy is developing dynamically, factories are producing more and more goods, causing an increase in demand for the transport of raw materials, prefabricates, and finished products. Electricity demand is also much higher than a year ago, which is why we transported much more coal in May than in May 2020“, emphasizes Czesław Warsewicz, CEO of PKP CARGO S.A.

- Overall, in May 2021, the freight rail transport market in Poland increased year-on-year and the dynamics of traffic growth were +22.6%.  The volume of transport in absolute terms in May 2021 was 19.7 million tonnes, i.e. 3.6 million tonnes more than in the same period of the previous year, and at the same time increased compared to the previous month (+ 1.8% i.e. by 0.4 million tonnes).

"Freight transport is strongly related to the economy, especially industry. As the economy grows, so does the demand for transport and logistics services. That is why we expect the Polish economy to be entering a period of long-term prosperity, which could mean a boom period for PKP CARGO, says CEO Czesław Warsewicz.

