CZ/SK verze

Mercitalia started operations on the Trieste-Nuremberg route

Mercitalia started operations on the Trieste-Nuremberg route
photo: harbor
20 / 11 / 2020

In early November, the Mercitalia launched an intermodal rail service between the port of the Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Trieste and Nuremberg, Germany. As a result, the number of trucks on the route should be reduced by 6,500 per year.

The new service will be operated by Mercitalia Rail-Tx in cooperation with Alpe Adria. This company is an operator of intermodal services in Trieste. The cooperation is protected by DSFD, a leading logistics operator in multimodal transport between Germany and Turkey.

This new intermodal transport project clearly shows the potential of the port of Trieste and offers a new opportunity in intermodal transportation. The transport is currently carried out once a week. From 2021, it is planned to increase it to two trains a week. As part of the new intermodal project, P400 type semi-trailers, C45 superstructures and High-Cube sea containers are transported.

The launch of this new service has strengthened the busy trade corridor between Turkey and Germany, which passes directly through the port of Trieste. Due to the emergence of the intermodal railway connection, there will be a decrease in lorries on the road on this route. Experts estimate that their number should fall by amazing 6,500 per year. This amount has a significant impact on reducing emissions and increasing the share of sustainable rail transport.

The new service was launched despite the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences. Nevertheless, customers are very interested in this service. The ever-expanding network of intermodal connections is an important factor in the development of international rail transport. Intermodal transport combines many advantages and is a more environmentally friendly mean of transportation, which also saves costs for target clients. Its popularity among clients is therefore growing from year to year.
