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InnoWaggon fleet gets a new maintenance crew

InnoWaggon fleet gets a new maintenance crew
photo: Innofreight press materials/InnoWaggon fleet gets a new maintenance crew
16 / 02 / 2022

Innofreight shakes hands with a new partner for the maintenance of its wagon fleet, ServiceCargoRail (SCR). SCR specializes in ECM 1-4 (Entity in Charge Maintenance) and is owned 50% each by Innofreight and Ferrolog.

Gerald Schretzmeier of SCR says: “The Innofreight Group will continue to grow in the coming years. As a strong partner, we want to contribute to this. With a modern and efficient maintenance strategy, we at SCR will support the Innofreight Group to achieve common goals together.”

With a wide net of workshops all over Europe SCR will be handling the maintenance of the InnoWaggon fleet as an exclusive partner.
