CZ/SK verze

The police intervened in Ostravské opravny a strojírny (OOS). Is the noose for the Šuška´s brothers’ business?

The police intervened in Ostravské opravny a strojírny (OOS). Is the noose for the Šuška´s brothers’ business?
10 / 12 / 2020

The Czech media reported that the National Center against the Detection of Organized Crime (NCOZ) intervened yesterday in Ostravské opravny a strojírny (OOS). The police is probably investigating the business of Rail Invest group of the Šuška´s brothers.

The police intervened in the area of ​​OOS, which is also the seat of Rail invest, in the afternoon. Several police cars were deployed. Police confiscated computers and important documents that could be related to crime. According to information from the Czech media, this should be a distortion of data on the state of finances and assets of the Rail Invest group.

"In response to your question, I can only say that our department (NCOZ) is carrying out criminal proceedings today, however, we will not provide more information," NCOZ spokesman Jaroslav Ibehej told the media.

According to information published in the Czech media, Mario Hanák, a lawyer for the Šuška´s brothers, was also seen on the spot. By the way, lawyer Mário Hanák is business-related with Jaroslav Siuda, who was called “the brain” of a group of people around Radovan Krejčíř, famous Czech mob . Hanák himself did business with Siuda´wife and also Hanák's brother does business directly with Siuda. Hanák's as a barrister acted in defence of the so called alcohol king Březina, who is currently serving a thirteen-year sentence for adulterating alcohol.

There can be several reasons for the police to intervene at the site of Rail Invest's and OOS’ headquarters. The first of them may be a workshop in Louny, where the number of jobs and redundancies is gradually being reduced, because the Šuška’s brothers were not able to secure a sufficient number of orders for the factory. As we have already informed you, the company TSS, which belongs to the empire of the Šuška’s brothers, bought this workshop for a tripled price.

We have also informed you about the long-term disadvantages that Ostravské opravny a strojírny show in their financial results.

The business of the Ostrava group Rail Invest is also accompanied by a number of strangenesses. The Rail invest group allegedly has liabilities in the amount of almost 6 billion crowns, and this debt has lasted for almost 10 years. There is a suspicion that it may have been the creation of fictitious liabilities and the transfer of funds to Switzerland, where the owners of the group, the Šuška´s brothers, live. It is possible that an investigation of these Swiss ties will be carried out and as part of legal aid it will be ascertained whether the Šuška´s brothers did not take property from companies in the Czech Republic out of tax proceedings through strange accounting operations and did not park it in Switzerland.

