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EP Logistics International Acquires SGL-Schienen Güter Logistik to Expand Rail Freight Services

EP Logistics International Acquires SGL-Schienen Güter Logistik to Expand Rail Freight Services
photo: Sven Angerer / Flickr/SGL V200.1
30 / 11 / 2023

EP Logistics International completed the closing of the SGL-Schienen Güter Logistik GmbH acquisition with effect from 31 October 2023.

EP Logistics International (EPLI), a subsidiary of Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH), closed the acquisition of a 100% stake in the established German company SGL-Schienen Güter Logistik GmbH. The acquisition was approved by the antitrust authority and all legislative requirements were fulfilled. With effect from 31 October 2023, EPLI becomes the only owner of this logistics company, which will complement its portfolio of services in the field of rail freight transportation and construction logistics.

The current and upcoming upgrades to the German rail infrastructure are absolutely essential and Germany is investing sustainably in order to support the modal shift to rail transport. This has resulted in numerous construction logistics projects, such as the renewal and expansion of railway tracks and the general refurbishment of tracks and lines.

Klonos Rail Photos / Flickr

Construction logistics is one of the core competences in the Rail division at EP Logistics International – based at LOCON AG in Berlin.

The Group is massively expanding this area by combining the expertise and resources of LOCON and SGL, thus becoming one of the leading railway construction logistics companies in Germany.

The responsible managers Carsten Meger, Armin Birkenbeul, Wolfgang Rutkowske, and Jan Elfenhorst are currently launching a project to intensify cooperation, interconnection, and integration. LOCON is primarily present in eastern Germany, SGL mainly in southern Germany – the common goal is to expand the geographical scope, make better use of resources, and further invest in rail construction logistics – both in terms of sales and resources.

Source: EP Logistics International
